GEAR PRO Mastering How to Guides

These easy to follow guides walk you through common tasks, step by step.
- Create Audio CDs
- Edit Audio Files
- RIP CDs, CD Audio to WAV
- Convert MP3 Files to CD
- Burn MP3 CDs
- Create a Novelty Audio-CD with Track Introductions
- Split Audio Files into Multiple Files
- Copy CDs
- Copy DVDs
- Create CD-ROMs
- Create DVD-ROMs
- Burn DVD Movies
- Create an Enhanced CD
- Create an ISO Image
- Duplicate CDs and DVDs
- Enable SCSI Logging
- Record a Project to multiple drives
- Automated CD / DVD Recording with GEAR Batch Files
- Create a Boot Disc
- Batch Files: Online Batch File Generators
- Convert a CD or DVD to a DDP Image
- Restore a DDP image to Disk
- Copy a CD-Audio DDP image to CD
- Create a DDP image of a double-layer DVD-Video
- Create a DDP image and properly add CSS
- Write a double-layer DVD-Video title to DLT tape
- Master DVD-Video title with ROM content
- FTP your DDP image
- Setting the Layer Break Point for DVD-Video Titles * applies only to 7.03 and higher